Coronavirus Support
We recognise that these are difficult times
So we've collected together details of local services which may be useful to know about at this time. We will continue to update and add to this information but if you have any questions then please contact us.

General Advice
Beyond the Streets have created this excellent resource of information about how to work safely if you choose to continue working, where to go if you need financial help, and other important organisations you might need to contact. Please read and share it!
Holy Trinity Foodbank
Saffires clients can attend with no referral, as do other members of the public. They will be asked to fill in a voucher which asks them to state the nature of their crisis e.g ‘I am unemployed at the moment’. You will not need to state any connection to Saffires, and you will be treated confidentially. Access is via the back of the church on Turner Street, Leicester (black metal door). The foodbank is open from 10:00-12:00 every Wednesday.
Debt Advice and help with finances
Trinity Money Advice Leicester will continue to provide confidential and free advice on benefits, bills, debt management and general guidance via email, phone, or WhatsApp. No referral is required.
Call 07512 677072 or email
Leicester Sexual Health Clinic
The clinic closed on Saturday 21st March. Some emergency appointments might continue depending on government guidance. The community team can post out condoms to saunas if required. If you need screening, pills or any information about
a self-testing kit or online pill service, please go online or call Diane or Kay on 07580 973 307. Use the website for self care information on or use the phone line 0300 124 0102 if you have an urgent need.
Mental Health Support
Lifelinks Leicester will continue to provide phone call support sessions, however all face-to-face contact has ceased until further notice. You can self-refer via the free phone line 0800 0234 575 or using the online form at You need to give the name of your local GP -this is for Safeguarding purposes.
Domestic Violence Support
If you’re a victim of domestic violence, there is help available. Here’s a few tools you may find helpful:
999 calls – Silent solution
If you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call 999 and ask for the police. If you are unable to speak you can use the Silent Solution system from a mobile phone: call 999 and then press 55. The operator will then put you through to the police.
The police will try to communicate with you by asking simple yes or no questions. If you are not able to speak, listen carefully to the questions and instructions from the call handler so they can assess your call and arrange help if needed.
Brightsky app
An app to help you find Domestic Violence services. The app can be hidden on your phone and then re-accessed from a different location. Guidance is given upon download. For more information and download links please click here.
Hollie Guard app
This is an app that turns your smartphone into a personal safety device. For more information and download links please click here.
Live chat Support
Women’s Aid are offering a live chat support service Monday to Friday from 10am until 4pm, and on weekends from 10am until 12pm.
Support for economic (financial abuse)
If you’re suffering from financial abuse, this website has a lot of useful information.
Currently Leicester Cathedral and city Anglican churches remain open for personal prayer. However all public services have been cancelled. Many churches are live-streaming services or providing other online services - have a look for a church near you and find out what they're offering. If you'd like help finding a local church, please contact us. Otherwise you are invited to join with some of the churches that partner with Saffires:
Holy Trinity Leicester - live-streaming at 10.30am every Sunday
Knighton Free Church - live-streaming at 10.30am every Sunday
Trinity Life Church - live-streaming at 09.30 and 11am every Sunday
National Ugly Mugs
We would encourage you to set up a free account with National Ugly Mugs to receive warnings about dangerous individuals in your area. If you have a bad experience with a client, including time wasting, non-payment and verbal or physical abuse, you can make a report anonymously to National Ugly Mugs that will be shared with other sex workers and potentially save their lives. Saffires can help you set up an account or make a report on your behalf if you'd like, just contact us.