Song of the Week
Bible verse and Reflection
2 Corinthians 4 verse 6:
“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ.”
I once went to a special Christmas event in a big cathedral. They wanted to show how light can be greater than dark. We sat as the sun went down and the church fell into darkness then one by one candles were lit. That very first candle lit up the whole building proving that light conquers darkness every time!
God is saying to us through this verse that He wants to shine his light in our hearts so we can see his glory through Jesus Christ. So we can know God's love for us and so we can share that with others.
1. Do you ever feel overwhelmed with darkness in your life? It could be stress or anxiety or a health condition. Talk to God about how these things make you feel.
2. Do you want to know God's love and light in your heart? God can bring healing to these things mentioned in the first point. Use the prayer below to fill in your own words and talk to God today.
God I thank you that you are a God who brings light into darkness. I am feeling overwhelmed with ____ . Please help me to know your love and healing in my life today. Amen
Lantern Craft
What you will need
– Paper (Any colour you like)
– Scissors
– Glue
– String
1. Make two paper circles using any round object and cut them out with scissors.
2. Fold the first circle in half. Then fold it in half two more times.
3. Draw lines on the folded paper so that it looks like this:
4. Cut off a tiny bit on the point of the triangle of the folded paper.
5. Cut along the lines you have drawn.
6. Unfold the paper.
7. Repeat this process for the other circle you have cut out.
8. Glue the circles together only on the outermost ring. Make sure you do not glue the inner parts. Then let the glue dry.
9. Gently pull each side of the lantern so that the pieces spread out to reveal the beautiful design you cut into it. Tie a string to the top so you can hang it and remind yourself that light always wins!
Journal Tip
The Journal Tip for this week is to write down some of the lights in your life. It could be coffee in the morning or watching your favourite film. You can continue to look back on these things reminding yourself that even though times can be dark there is always light to be found.
Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash